How to Make a New Years Noisemaker

What does every child love to do when the ball drops and we hit the New Year??? Make lots of noise. And, what’s the best way to make lots of noise on New Years Eve?! With noisemakers, of course. Well, instead of buying the store bought Noisemakers…. why not make your own. The craft is a fun one and the Noisemaker turns out so much better than the store bought ones. Plus, you get to tell everyone at the New Years Party that you made them yourself. How cool is that?! So, let’s get started.

Crafty Ways to Make New Years Noisemakers

Crafty Ways to Make New Years Noisemakers

New Years is just days away. And, with New Years comes the celebrating when the ball drops and it is officially the next year. What is the one thing that it seems everyone does when the ball drops?…. Makes noise and screams, “Happy New Year!!!” So, today is all about the noise making. I’m going to show you 10 crafty ways to make New Years noisemakers. Each of the items have step-by-step tutorials on how to make the noisemakers. With 10 choices you are sure to find the noisemaker perfect for you.