How to Make a “Unity for All” Bracelet for Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day. Martin Luther King is best know for his “I Had a Dream” speech where he basically said in his dream all men were created equal. He lived his entire life fighting for that fact. Today I’m going to show you how to make a “Unity for All” Bracelet for Martin Luther King Day. This bracelet represents Unity for all…. bringing us all together no matter the color of our skin. Isn’t that what Martin Luther King would have wanted? So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.

How to make an “I Have a Dream” Pendant for Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day. And, what better way to celebrate Martin Luther King’s Life than to make a craft in is honor. Remember that Martin Luther King had a dream….. in his dream everyone was created equal. Martin Luther King was a great man and today we are going to honor the “I Have a Dream” speech he made by making an “I Have a Dream” pendant. You can wear this pendant to honor Martin Luther king today and everyday you want to remember what Martin Luther King was all about.