Find out how to make a tissue paper flower bracelet for Mom on Mother’s Day. This would also be a great bracelet to wear in Spring or for Easter. Find out how to make it with this great crafts tutorial.
How to Make Cool Stuff
I have a fun girly craft for you today. In this post I’m going to show you how to make a festive Halloween bracelet that any girl would love to wear this Halloween season. Made from a recycled soda bottle and some paint this bracelet craft is an easy and fun one. Plus, you will get a good feeling from recycling an old soda bottle instead of throwing it away. Isn’t that wonderful?! So, grab that cleaned out used soda bottle and let’s get this fun craft started.
In this post I will be showing you how to make a Paper Strip Belt or Bracelet. The choice is really yours weather you make a belt or a bracelet. You simply will need to adjust the amount of colored paper you use for the project…. less for the bracelet and more for the belt. Make a few and give them to your friends or loved ones…. anyone would be sure to enjoy them. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started with this fun craft.
Spring is so close you could almost taste it. And, with that being said I thought we would celebrate Spring with doing a craft that is totally about flowers. Today I’m going to show you how to make a Fresh Flower Bracelet. If you would prefer you could make this into a garland by making the Fresh Flower bracelet even longer. The choice is yours. I used the Temple Flower for this craft. Fresh flowers look best. So, let’s get started.
Today I’m going to show you how to make a Two-Tone Paper Bracelet. This craft is a whole lot of fun…. it is even more fun if you grab some of your friends and have them make bracelets with you. You simply need some colored papers of your choosing, a pair of scissors and glue… that’s it. This bracelet craft is super simple, but trust me you will enjoy making it. So, grab those craft materials and let’s get started.
Black History Month will be coming to a close in the next couple of days. With that being said…. I thought we could use this opportunity to make a craft for Black History Month. Today I’m going to show you how to make a Wooden Beads Bracelet with an African Mask Charm. The bracelet turns out just absolutely beautiful…. it truly does. And, when using the ochre paint it ages the charm to give it an authentic look. Because we’ll use oven-hardening polymer clay for the mask, you’ll need a little help from an adult. So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
I have a super fun and easy craft for you today. I’m going to show you how to make a Popcorn Bracelet. This just might be the only jewelry you can make that while you make it you can eat it as well. Just keep it mind that once you have painted the popcorn you CAN NOT eat it. But, until the popcorn has been painted it is a tasty treat. So, grab your friends, a good movie to watch and some popcorn and let’s make this fun craft.
If you love making jewelry I have a fun craft for you today. I’m going to show you how to make a Paper Bead Bracelet. That’s right…. it’s a bracelet made out of paper. With paper you actually make the beads that make up this bracelet. Surprisingly enough….. by simply rolling paper and adding glue it creates a very strong and durable bead. Choose your favorite color paper to make the beads and the result is a beautiful bracelet you will be proud to wear with your favorite outfit. So, let’s get started.
Today is Martin Luther King Day. Martin Luther King is best know for his “I Had a Dream” speech where he basically said in his dream all men were created equal. He lived his entire life fighting for that fact. Today I’m going to show you how to make a “Unity for All” Bracelet for Martin Luther King Day. This bracelet represents Unity for all…. bringing us all together no matter the color of our skin. Isn’t that what Martin Luther King would have wanted? So, grab the materials needed and let’s get started.
Here is a jewelry craft perfect for the New Year. I am going to show you how to make a Charm Bracelet…. but not just any charm bracelet. This charm bracelet is made up solely of wishes…. your wishes. How beautiful would that be to wear? So beautiful!! We all have wishes for the New Year…. and you can proudly wear your wishes around your wrist. So, come up with your wishes, grab the craft materials… and let’s get started.
If you love making bracelets, but you are sick of making the same old bracelets all the time…. then I have the bracelet craft for you. I am going to show you how to make woven paper bracelets that you can make for yourself or share with friends. And, don’t worry… they are stronger than you might think. These paper bracelets are woven with many, many different folds causing the bracelets to be quite strong. So, let’s get started.
I have a fun bracelet craft for you…. and the only materials you need for it can be found in your home. I am going to show you how to make a springy paper bracelet made from colorful paper. And, don’t think just because this bracelet is made out of paper that it is weak. On the contrary, it is very strong. The bracelet is made up of many, many folds in the paper making it very strong. So, let’s get started.