Make Easter Baby Duck Paper Folding Craft for Kids

Do you want a baby duck chick arts and crafts activity for Easter time? This is a great paper folding crafts activity for kids to make an Easter duck.

Make Easter Basket with Flower Petals Paper Folding Craft

This Easter basket is meant to look like it is made out of flower petals. We have provided a printable paper folding template that you can print out, and then fold up, paste, and make a handle to finish it up. It is pretty and can be used as a decorative table piece or to place flowers or candy in. This is a great craft for boys or girls to celebrate Easter, as well as the April and May season.

Make Your Own Easter Cards with Easter Eggs Craft Idea

It is time to start thinking about making Easter cards for your friends and loved ones. Here is an easy idea for all you kids out there who want to start making your Easter greeting cards. This is a really cool looking card with an Easter egg filled with glitter…and everyone will love the great results. This is a great activity for preschoolers, toddlers, and kids of all ages.

Make Spring Handprints Lambs for Easter or Spring : Preschoolers and Kids Craft


Since I am so in love with little handprints, I enjoy doing crafts where I can capture my children’s handprints once again for posterity reason. This craft, handprint lamb, is a great way to capture a handprint but it also adds a touch of spring to your crafts and gives your child a new way to use his hands.

Easter Bunny Rabbit Treat Cups Crafts Activity Ideas for Kids


I would like to say a big thank you to his kindergarten teacher before I do start on the craft itself. I would also like to mention that this craft is great for children of all ages. At home, I did this craft with a 4 year old and an 8 year old and both were delighted with both the process and the end product. It is very easy to do and can make a beautiful little gift or grab bag for the Easter season.