Awesome Crafts Made with Duct (Duck) Tape

Awesome Crafts Made with Duct (Duck) Tape

Duct tape is commonly used in situations that require a strong, flexible, and very sticky tape. When I originally thought of Duct Tape I thought of construction workers and fathers using duct tape to fix things. As a matter of fact, my father could use duct tape to fix anything. Well, that is what he thought…. most things were not fixed at all. Well, that’s a whole other story. Today’s post is about duct tape, but not duct tape used in that way. No, today’s post is about Awesome Crafts made with Duct (Duck) Tape. Here in this post I have looked around the internet and found some amazing duct tape crafts that are made by some creative people. You have to check them out. I have Duct Tape crafts that you can wear and I have Duct Tape crafts that you can play with….. you are sure to find here duct tape crafts that you will enjoy. So, let’s get started.

15 Cool Crafts Made with Altoid Tins

15 Cool Crafts Made with Altoid Tins

If you ever had an Altoid mint you know that the mints come in this wonderful little tin. But, who would have thought all the imaginative things you could do with this little tin. By scouring the internet I came across a bunch of Altoid crafts you can make. In this post I am listing 15 of the coolest crafts you can make with Altoid Tins. The crafts range in skill level between easy and more challenging. But, you can count on each of them being a lot of fun. So, scroll through the different Altoid Tin crafts and you are sure to find one that you will like. So, grab your Altoid Tin Containers and let’s get started on some fun crafts.

13 Cool Crafts Made with Neckties

13 Cool Crafts Made with Neckties

The styles of Neckties comes and goes pretty quickly. Many men have a ton of extra ties in their closet that they don’t even wear. Why not put the extra ties to good use? I am going to show you 13 Cool Crafts made with Neckties. All of the necktie crafts shown here will have tutorials so that you too can make these crafts. I will not show you something that you can’t make for yourself. Whether you want a necktie purse or a necktie coffee cozy…. you will find your necktie crafts here. So, let’s get started.

Coolest Earth Day Craft Ideas – Crafts Made from Recycled Materials

Coolest Earth Day Craft Ideas - Crafts Made from Recycled Materials

Earth Day will be here in just a couple of weeks. In honor of Earth Day I thought I would scour the internet looking for cool ideas for Earth Day crafts. All of the crafts that I found and have listed here are made from recycled materials. Earth Day is a special day to celebrate the Earth and to increase awareness and appreciation of the Earth’s natural environment. And, I think making crafts from recycled materials such as the ones found here is a great way to teach children about recycling and the importance of doing that to help save our Earth. So, without further ado….

Ideas for Kids to Make Seder Plates for Passover

Ideas for Kids to Make Seder Plates for Passover

Passover will be here in just a couple of days. And with Passover comes the wonderful Passover Seder. And, even though we know how fantastic Passover Seder is…. we know how difficult it is to get the kids to sit still and enjoy the Passover Seder. Well, how about if they help out with the Seder? The kids can make the Seder Plate for Passover. Even if it isn’t the main Seder Plate you use for the Seder they can at least work on the Children’s table Passover Seder Plate. Beings that the children helped make the Passover Seder Plate will hold their attention a little more as they will want to pay attention to see how it will be used during the Seder.

Chinese New Year Crafts – Year of the Dragon

Chinese New Years Crafts

Chinese New Year falls on January 23rd this Year. And, in honor of Chinese New Year I put together a list of crafts just about the Chinese New Year. You will find that most of them are Dragon Crafts and you might wonder why….. well, I will tell you why. This year is the Year of the Dragon. So, to honor that fact the majority of the crafts I have listed here will be Dragon Crafts. Not all of them…. there are plenty of fun other crafts that have nothing to do with Dragons. So, check out the post and pick a few Chinese New Year Crafts to do with the kids….. they are sure to love them. So, let’s get started.

11 Cool Outer Space Crafts for Kids

11 Cool Outer Space Crafts for Kids

Today I have some awesome craft ideas for you. Not just any craft ideas…… today I have cool outer space crafts for you. I was making my way through the internet looking for some really creative outer space crafts and I think I found them. I found some that are made from food and others that are made from recycled materials. I found crafts that are perfect for the youngest of crafters and others that are meant for older children. But, bottom line…. there is an outer space craft here for you. So, enough with the chit-chat….. let’s get started.

14 Fun Snowflake Crafts for Winter

14 Fun Snowflake Crafts for Winter

Winter is well on its way….. and when you think of Winter what do you think of? I know what I think of….. snow. So, in honor of Winter and snow today’s craft is all about snowflakes. I scoured the internet to find some really awesome snowflake crafts. And, there are some really cool snowflake crafts out there. So, today I’m going to present you with 14 Fun Snowflake Crafts for Winter.

Fun Crafts Made from Photographs

Fun Crafts Made from Photographs

Did you know there are tons of crafts out there that you can make from Photographs? There really are. And, the cool thing about making crafts with Photographs is that you will have a keepsake for your memories for years to come. Wouldn’t it be cool to take copies of your most precious pictures and make them into something useful? For example, I found a craft that you can take your photographs and make wrapping paper or a tissue box…. or how about taking family photographs and making them into a Guess Who game. Check out all of these crafts plus many more in this post. You are sure to find a Photograph craft you will enjoy to make.

10 Cool Crafts Made from Old, Worn Out Books – Upcycled Books

11 Cool Crafts Made from Recycled Books

While roaming the internet the other day I came across quite a few cool crafts made from old, worn out books….. 10 of them to be exact. They were so cool I had to show them to you. All of them have instructions so that you too can make these creative items. From Wreaths to a Kindle Case you are going to be surprised in the things you can do with books to upcycle them…. I know I was.

14 Fun Crafts made from Tights

14 Fun Crafts made from Tights

I was roaming the internet recently and came across some crafts I just had to show you. I found 14 totally fun and amazing crafts that are made from tights. These crafts are a great way to recycle the tights that your kids have grown out of. I know how quickly my kids grow out of their tights. Well, instead of throwing them away… these crafts are an awesome way to reuse them. Plus, these crafts are so much fun. So, round up those old tights and let’s have some crafting fun.

Crafty Ways to Make New Years Noisemakers

Crafty Ways to Make New Years Noisemakers

New Years is just days away. And, with New Years comes the celebrating when the ball drops and it is officially the next year. What is the one thing that it seems everyone does when the ball drops?…. Makes noise and screams, “Happy New Year!!!” So, today is all about the noise making. I’m going to show you 10 crafty ways to make New Years noisemakers. Each of the items have step-by-step tutorials on how to make the noisemakers. With 10 choices you are sure to find the noisemaker perfect for you.

Crafty Ways to Reuse Wrapping Paper & Greeting Cards

Crafty Ways to Reuse Wrapping Paper & Greeting Cards

Christmas has come and gone. And, with Christmas comes the mountains of used wrapping paper from all those gifts you received. Most of the time we land up throwing it away…. we don’t even think twice about throwing it away. Or, how about all those Holiday Greeting Cards you received this year….. what do you land up doing with them once the Holiday is over? Throw them away, right? Well today I’m going to show you crafty ways to reuse these items. From Christmas decorations for next year to decorative gift boxes there are plenty ideas for reusing your wrapping paper & greeting cards. You are sure to find an idea for yours.

Check Out These Outrageous Christmas Trees

Outrageous Christmas Trees

I was roaming the internet today for Christmas Trees and I couldn’t believe the creativity I saw. I just had to share with you what I found. I found 9 Christmas Trees that are the most unique and creative out there. There is one totally made from library books and another that is made completely from soda cans. I will share with you those and the ones in between. So, without further ado…..

Creative Ideas to Wrap your Gifts

Creative Ideas to Wrap your Gifts

I was roaming the internet this morning and came across some of the most creative ideas to wrap your gifts. If you are like me you wrap all your gifts basically the same. Maybe you add a different color bow here and there…. but basically the gifts look the same. Well, that can all change now.

Ideas for Crafty & Creative Thanksgiving Kids’ Tables

Ideas for Crafty & Creative Thanksgiving Kids’ Tables

When I was a child I hated sitting at the Thanksgiving Kids’ Table. I always felt I was missing what was going on at the adult’s table. Well, I found some ideas around the internet that would change any child’s idea of the yucky kids’ table. Any child would love to sit at any of these crafty and creative Kids’ Tables. I am sure you can get some ideas from these for your own kid’s table. Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know if you tried any of these ideas or if you came up with your own. Take a picture of your kids’ table and leave it in the comments so I can check it out.